Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jelly Donut Cupcake

Today I recipe tested a jelly doughnut cupcake to sell at Odd Duck.  I found a lot of recipes that said to just use store bought jelly, but for my recipe I decided to make my own!  I just boiled some raspberries with water and sugar, strained it and added a slurry of water and cornstarch.  It tastes amazing!  The jelly bakes inside the cupcake so you don't have to fill it afterward.  Then I made a simple glaze to go over the cupcake and then topped it off with a vanilla frosting zig-zag!  My husband thought there was a bit too much frosting (he thought it was too sweet) but I thought it was heaven in my mouth!  Maybe I will bring a few to test on some people at work tomorrow.  Anyway, here are the pics I just took :)

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