Yes, it has been a while since I posted! I started my new job at Ulta beauty about a month ago and have been so busy ever since. I currently have to drive and hour to and an hour back from work everyday so when I get home i just feel like snuggling in bed with my hubby instead of sitting in the dining room being on the internet.
But low and behold, today we received a MacBook! I have a Dell laptop, but it has not been working for quite sometime. We were going to reformat it but could not figure out what box in storage the disk was packed in. A few days after digging through storage, a friend of ours posted that he was selling a year old MacBook on Facebook for $350! We scooped that opportunity up! Now I am posting to you from the comfort of my bed. I goes I will go over what's been going on for the past month or so:
The week before I started work, we went back down to West Palm for a few days to visit my sister, my mom and some friends. It was fun. My sis and I made tons of yummy vegan food the whole time watched cheesy movies like She's All That. During this time it was also my mom's birthday so we made her cupcakes (pictured above) and other delicious things!
It was super fun spending time with another vegan and having fun with Rey and our friends.
Then I started work which is super awesome! I get to work with make-up and beauty products and awesome people all day. I think this is my favorite job to date!
Rey is still looking and applying to jobs. Still no interviews or anything yet, but I'm hopeful he will find something soon. I'm really anxious for us to move into our own place already! Not that I don't love my in-laws, because I totally do, but I don't love spending two hours in a car with no A/C everyday and I don't love shopping at Wal-mart! I just also really miss having my own space. I can't wait to go back to the days of morning coffee made in my own coffee pot, dinner cooked in my own kitchen and being lazy on the couch in my own living room. I'm also anxious because we are going to be living in a two bedroom apartment instead of our one bedroom back in West Palm. This mean I'm going to have my own room to create, blog or do whatever I want in! I'm trying to be patient until then but it's getting harder everyday.
In the meantime, you should really check out this blog from this amazing 15 year old girl. It's what is inspiring me for the moment :)